Subaru Forester

2019' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2019' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredNetanya. Published 1 year ago

2498 cc, Petrol 197000 km  Automatic  White 

Brand name V Motors V Motors V Motors Jeep Subaru Forester 4x4 1 ute 2.5 (182 hp) year 2019 owned by first hand leasing in … 

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2017' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2017' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredRa'anana. Published 1 year ago

1995 cc, Petrol 82000 km  Automatic  Silver 

A familiar name to me Jeep type Subaru Forester 4X4 2.0Z OT 2.0 (150 hp) year 2017 privately owned first hand in the area of … 

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2015' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2015' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredHaifa. Published 1 year ago

1995 cc, Petrol 216000 km  Automatic  White metallic 

Brand Name Trade Car Trade Car Trade Car Jeep Type Subaru Forester 4X4 XS Auto 2.0 (150 hp) [2012-2016] Year 2015 Privately owned Second hand … 

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2017' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2017' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredRamat HaSharon. Published 1 year ago

1995 cc, Petrol 198000 km  Automatic  

A well-known name Shi and Yunit Jeep type Subaru Forester 4X4 2.0Z OT 2.0 (150 HP) year 2017 privately owned first hand in the North … 

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2020' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2020' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredYavne. Published 1 year ago

2498 cc, Petrol 30000 km  Automatic  Silver 

Seller's name Hagi Jeep type Subaru Forester 4x4 1 ute 2.5 (182 hp) year 2020 privately owned first hand in the area of ​​Gedera - … 

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2016' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2016' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredRamat HaSharon. Published 1 year ago

1995 cc, Petrol 93200 km  Automatic  Silver 

Brand name ALON Jeep type Subaru Forester 4X4 2.0X OT 2.0 (150 hp) Year 2016 Privately owned first hand in the Hod Hasharon area and … 

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2012' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2012' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredNetanya. Published 1 year ago

1995 cc, Petrol 248000 km  Automatic  White 

Known name Noam Jeep type Subaru Forester 4x4 B ute 2.0 (150 hp) [2011-2013] year 2012 privately owned second hand previous private ownership in the … 

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2022' Subaru Forester


2022' Subaru Forester

ExpiredLod. Published 1 year ago

2498 cc  8500 km  Automatic  

Absolutely new car Subaru Forester XS (5th generation restyling). The technical passport was registered on 04/07/22. Mileage 8500 km, the car is still in cellophane … 

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2015' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2015' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredNetanya. Published 2 years ago

1995 cc, Petrol 112000 km  Automatic  White 

Brand Name Remy Jeep Type Subaru Forester 4X4 X OT 2.0 (150 HP) [2012-2016] Year 2015 Privately owned First hand in the Netanya area and … 

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2014' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר


2014' Subaru Forester סובארו פורסטר

ExpiredNahariya. Published 2 years ago

1995 cc, Petrol 188000 km  Automatic  

Known name Ofer from a car Ofer from a car ofermt Jeep Subaru Forester 4X4 X 2.0 (150 HP) [2012-2016] year 2014 privately owned second … 

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