2019' Chevrolet Malibu שברולט מאליבו photo #1
2019' Chevrolet Malibu שברולט מאליבו photo #2
2 photos

2019' Chevrolet Malibu שברולט מאליבו

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Published 17 April 2024ID: dhRDJy
8 months ago

Information from the owner

Previous owners: 2
Age: 5 years
Mileage: 93000 km
Displacement: 1490 cc
Fuel: Petrol
Transmission: Automatic
Exterior color: White

Seller's comments about 2019' Chevrolet Malibu שברולט מאליבו

Brand name Bay & Drive Bay & Drive Kobi Agency vehicle Chevrolet Malibu LTZ OT 1.5 (163 HP) year 2019 privately owned second hand previous private ownership in the Netanya area and the surrounding area in Netanya owner automatic transmission gasoline engine the customer is ready to exchange customer description of the vehicle In the modern and spectacular Chevrolet Malibu 1.5L LTZ you will find the perfect combination between luxury and excellent driving ability. The vehicle is varied in white color, which gives it an innovative and spectacular look, which can suit all types of drivers and affect its overall design. It may also serve as your eye as a business or private vehicle.
The Malibu 1.5L LTZ offers an exceptional driving experience, using a powerful and reliable 1.5 liter engine. It is an innovative engine based on Ecotec technology, which guarantees an egg

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